Useless Fact #

Thursday, January 30, 2003 04:34 PM - The Hobbit - Mine GO BOOM

Just finished reading The Hobbit by Tolkien (who also wrote The Lord of the Rings). I don't want to talk too much about the story, since in about a year, Shanky will finish reading The Lord of the Rings, and he may then read The Hobbit. Anyways, its a good story of how Bilbo meet Gandalf, then Gandalf forces Bilbo to go on his first adventure with 13 dwarves. Through the adventure, Bilbo finds the ring that Gollum lost. Bilbo and Gollum talk (well, ask each other Riddles) a bit, which is how Gollum knew who stole his ring (though he never told Gollum where he lived). Tells also about Sting (Frodo's glow-in-the-dark-when-orcs-near sword) being threaten against Gollum for the first time. Near the end, one of the dwarves gives Bilbo the mithril mail, though nothing ever was shot/hit Bilbo to show how strong it was, though they talked/threaten about it.

Anyways, its a good book to read to pickup on some of Bilbo's history on his first adventure, and why the Sackville-Bagginses dislike Bilbo so much. Stupid Sackville-Bagginses stealing his spoons...

Wednesday, January 29, 2003 11:58 PM - Another reason to check out - Mine GO BOOM

Yet more stupid quotes from people talking with Schwartz! Yeah baby, yeah!

EDIT:It seems as it Muller's conversation with Schwartz was a bit edited. All the messages did happen, but they were in a different order spread out over time. I'm trying to keep this Quote-An-Idiot to be all truthful conversations, so I removed the text until both of those parties agree on the correct turn of events.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003 12:58 AM - My turn - Shanky

Schwatz: chris
Shanky: no
*next day*
Schwatz: shank dog
Shanky: whazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz up?
Schwatz: not much my nigger did you catch the chapelle show on comedy central
Shanky: no. I am not down with that shitzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Schwatz: its funny why not
Shanky: because I wasnt home
Schwatz: their is a new one on wednesday and look for the first episode on reruns
They had a blind black kkk racist who didnt know he was black

ok ok.. so that wasnt so good.
What the hell does this mean?

Schwatz: they fucked up two instead of jst lying the amp on the floor of th trunk they mounted it longways in the middle of the back walls of his rear seats so now if he wants to lower his back seats from the inside he has to lower both of them at the same time

Damnit, Ryan, you have me beat. Guess I got to start talking with him again.

EDIT> I got some winners now biatch.

Monday, January 27, 2003 10:20 PM - I really should make a Schwartz page - Mine GO BOOM

All the stupidest things come from Schwartz, a next door neighbor who happens to be Jewish. I should make a website full of quotes from him, but I'll start out with this one. I know it didn't originate from him since it was CC:'d to himself, and he probably doesn't even know what CC stands for, let alone what it does. Anyways, funny text follows (99% sure it wasn't written from him since things are cased and spelled right):

There's just a couple of things I must let you know. I have about had it with your fuckin anti-social attitude. You are a fuckin asshole to everyone, except your computers. You must have no life. When it comes to your sexuality, I don't know what you like. It would seem that you are straight, but sometimes I just can't tell. Oh and one more thing. You are about the laziest kid I have ever known. For someone who doesn't get out much you should atleast be able to make your own fuckin food. Your mom brings all your damn food downstairs because you are always on the computer, GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!

EDIT: Some other quotes from Jonathon:

Schwartz: zigleir says he has a great personalty that women notice
Me: HA (btw, you misspelled his name)
Schwartz: you shouldent talk your not exactly an englash expert yourself

Schwartz: im speaking lennox not cisco systems

Schwartz: gotmy first final grade chemistry 3.0. thats decent
Schwartz: blzunt

(This was posted before, just re-posting it again)
Schwartz: will you help me with a cool project
Schwartz: it will be awesome
Schwartz: man let me tell you please
Me: watching movie, go ahead and type it out in an email
Schwartz: ill just type it here
Schwartz: mine give me like 4 min
Schwartz: you catch a live fly or bee and freeze it then you tie denal floss around the bee and leave extra then then it unfreeszes and flys away you have by the string lioke flyins a kite

Schwartz: take your shower and shine you got no time loose you are young at must be living
Schwartz: shoes
Me: I'm thinking of make a "stupid quote of the day from schwartz" website
Schwartz: do it man the would be just fantabuless

Sunday, January 26, 2003 11:04 PM - SUPER BOWL CHAMPS - Shanky

Thursday, January 23, 2003 04:44 PM - Sorry - Shanky

Sorry it has been a while. But some porn site linked to me and was raping my bandwidth for the month. So it will be slow until Feburary.

Thursday, January 16, 2003 06:16 PM - ! ! ! F O U N D ! ! ! - Mine GO BOOM

Super Mario Bros - Original Pre-NES Version

The original pre-release version of Super Mario Bros, the first one, has been found! Take a look at it, as they changed some things before they made a final version. Below are some of the screen shots I have of it. There are some other pretty funny things too (lol, beat bowser) that I wish to let others explorer...

Now time to find that Mike Tyson's Punch Out pre-release version...

Wednesday, January 15, 2003 09:57 AM - Lets play some basketball - Shanky

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 04:50 PM - Mario Preview - Mine GO BOOM
In an old, old post a long time ago in this same galaxy, I once spoke of the evil Mario 3 game that had a bug in it that showed the most vile person you can imagine. Of course I took screen shots then to show you it, but its now deep in the archives-of-5megs page, so I'm too lazy to find them. Anyway, here was a never-before seen screenshot of a beta version of the early Mario Brothers game. I've been searching the internet to find this rom, and I think I might have found a website that has it posted, but they seem to be down for now. As soon as I can get ahold of it, I'll post it here for everyone.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 12:10 AM - New picture for Ryan - Shanky

Friday, January 10, 2003 04:42 PM - friday - Shanky

Thursday, January 09, 2003 04:10 PM - Hi - Shanky

Wednesday, January 08, 2003 10:17 AM - Another day....with more to come - Shanky

EDIT> Isnt terrorist or anything but, "A commuter plane carrying 21 people crashed into a maintenance hangar as it was taking off Wednesday at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport" Read more here

Tuesday, January 07, 2003 02:58 PM - Cut on Ryan^2 + chick - Shanky

Dan has provided me with another image. Though, Ryan has told me of a secret plan to really put Dan in his place.

Tuesday, January 07, 2003 01:58 AM - To dan: - Mine GO BOOM

Oh, damn, thank you. I'm going to love this :)

PS> I'm 120 lbs. Sorry I can't eat a whole cow in one sitting like you and most people not notice the extra weight (gay I before e rule I never use).

Monday, January 06, 2003 10:50 PM - From Dan to Ryan - Shanky

Ryan, Dan made this just for you. I suggest making him something. Dan has more on the way. Maybe one per day.